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Vertical Jig Trip Records

We are now keeping records of the biggest fish of each species caught aboard the Reward Won during our Jigging Trips.  The list will be updated and available online.  The initial list contains all documented catches we have on record to date.  In the case of the Amberjack, for instance, we know multiple large fish have been caught, but unfortunately, never officially weighed.  This list is a starting point, with many ‘open’ species.

Rules to be considered for a Jig Trip Record:

  1. Must be caught aboard the Reward Won on a Vertical Jigging Trip
  2. Must be caught on an artificial lure that has been cast/dropped.  Not trolled.  No live, cut, dead bait, or tipped jigs.
  3. Must be weighed on an accurate scale, and witnessed.
  4. New records must exceed existing record by a half pound.

We encourage you to release your catch.  Large fish may be weighed in a ‘cradle’, instead of by the jaw, to prevent injury. The weight of the cradle will be deducted afterwards.

The records are meant to document our collective jigging accomplishments, and to promote friendly competition.  They are a work in progress.

Click this link to see the current Reward Won Jig Trip Records